
In case you are curious why Book Witch. Well to be honest it just popped into my head. My mom has this thing with buying a Kitchen Witch for our kitchens when we get a new house. I'm not sure why but my family is still one of those full of older traditions being that my mom is second generation and my dad is first. If you don't know what a Kitchen Witch is, this is the definition from wikipedia;

"A kitchen witch, sometimes called a cottage witch or a "Scandinavian" kitchen witch doll, is a poppet or homemade doll resembling a stereotypical witch or crone displayed in residential kitchens as a means to provide good luck and ward off bad spirits."

So I thought to myself what if a Book Witch could ward off bad books....so far it seems to be working. :o)

The Library part is just because I've always wanted my own library. When I was in French class my favorite word was bibliothèque so I thought about using the French word but I'm not sure everyone knows what that means.